Allergic reaction to waxing eyebrows? - allergic reaction to eyebrow waxing
I had my eyebrows waxed twice, almost a year last night. But the first time was in order, so I thought it was okay, so when I did yesterday was a really bad reaction, the region has red eyebrows and big white bumps me guessing the thought of urticaria, perhaps only the last in the night, until I woke up and, of course, the red is gone, but the bumps were red and are still there. I asked what kind of wax, in the still of the old thing and are much my mother is all the time. You know how long it takes and how to fix it? and now I'm Ice the affected area. and is itching a bit, but I try to avoid it.
Just keep it clean and let it heal. don't put creams of anything on it. Let it calm down and it will heal.
Next time, try doing it yourself with wax strips that are designed for sensitive skin, like the eyebrow strips from Parissa. The kit comes with a vile of blue liquid that totally calms your skin down and soothes it right away.
Good luck!
Take an antihistamine like benydril or Claretians.
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