Sunday, January 24, 2010

Very Dry Cm 11DPO And Dry CM - Still Pregnant?

11DPO and dry CM - still pregnant? - very dry cm

Who was pregnant with CM 2 sec wait a week? I have no hope., The very dry, and I read it should be creamy: (


grits060... said...

It comes in 14 days. Every woman is different. This age "should be" creamy, just because somebody else. Relax. Have you been a HPT? You can start at about 10dpo count on you.
But when it comes to Preggo .. not everyone has symptoms. Somtimes the only symptom that a woman can be a waste of time:)
Baby Powder now!

babydoll... said...

No, should not necessarily be smooth and creamy. That's BS.

Every woman is different and you can not pass through the CM in the 2WW if you are pregnant or not.

SHPT is or wait until the time of sampling or not there?

Best of luck.

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