Friday, January 8, 2010

North Wales Van Sales Mobile Speed Cameras?

Mobile speed cameras? - north wales van sales

I was in North Wales (UK) yesterday (Saturday), driving on a two-lane Street 70 mph I was astonished, 2 police cars with radar and a Layby "alive" mobile speed camera van to see - all of which was 10 miles apart. Back along the coast of major and minor roads and residential areas, do not see a police car on time.

Am I alone in thinking that it played a weekend and the children, considering the police and cameras are smaller and greater access routes for pedestrians, as a high-speed roads where pedestrians have plenty of business, and just a few mph over the speed limit. It seems they are more interested in collecting large amounts of people, earn money, the maintenance of major roads, where the children are safe.
What do you think?

BTW - If you're wondering - I did not at high speed!

Note: This is not a question about weather or not an error in the speed - so do not preach


pzkgfw5 said...

It's all about revenue, not certainty. Do the math. When the police arrest the criminals who cost a fortune for the treatment and keep them there.
In addition, while nick a motorist for speeding, which is most of them do not even appear in court, pay the fine, the increase in revenues from literally millions of pounds and dollars or years.
Police at the bottom, the easy way out so that they too get their share and then sit and drink coffee and eat donuts and talk to the birds, then go to a place where a lot of traffic, and everything is accelerating. Bingo - in a very short time they have "done their duty" and could even lower the Treasury.
The police are everywhere to be abused in this way. On the day when they are your friends away.

Mr Sarcastic said...

I hate speed cameras with a passion, they definitely have nothing to do with road safety and do everything to with raking in revenue for the police, the highways are going, in fact one of the safest places in the rule may direct, You see, when speed and wide availability in general not in any case, most incidents that occur on highways generally do not speed up and create a rule incompetent driver or a miscalculation. I think the last operation in the fields of the horse hidden mobile speed is totally below the belt and I think it is her understanding of human rights, and (why not for honest people work !!???), but needed a brave soul; of trying to defy the police in this way. To fight against the bad behavior that the cameras are not the answer, and more stringent driving tests in police patrols of traffic is what is needed, especially in urban areas, where people respond to increased risks seem less suitable. I know you said no sermon, but I want to say, some people are not IntelSmart about speeding, including the government, the acceleration in certain circumstances, on a dry road course that perfectly acceptable 90-100 km / h, but if you are employed or wet, then 60 70 is all you should do the same, In urban areas where it maintain a high traffic of people and others on his speed to about 25-30, but later when theres little traffic and few people are everything that I do not see what harm it 40 -45 mph, You can not just tar all in the same pocket that the law, unfortunately, not necessarily the acceleration of the acceleration, speed your correspondent on the road and the environment you are in

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