Friday, December 11, 2009

Dry Hair Weave If I Wash Human Hair Weave That Has Barrel Curls In It.. Will It Dry Straight?

If I wash human hair weave that has barrel curls in it.. will it dry straight? - dry hair weave

Just curious. Because I bought weaving human hair. His big barrel curls .. I fear that if it is wet flies .. Ideas?


Corri said...

It once again run dry in curls, do not forget to leave some in the state and the natural oils in them.

KillerQu... said...

I think it depends on whether your hair naturally wavy or curly, it was bundled with a heating tool. You do not know how the tissue.

I really do not know, but I think it quite dry, because it is not intended to be laundered.

KillerQu... said...

I think it depends on whether your hair naturally wavy or curly, it was bundled with a heating tool. You do not know how the tissue.

I really do not know, but I think it quite dry, because it is not intended to be laundered.

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