Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Brazillian Waxing Pictures Male What Can I Use To Remove The Stickyness From Brazillian Waxing?

What can i use to remove the stickyness from brazillian waxing? - brazillian waxing pictures male

Stickyness was the worst I've ever seen. I understand now, professionally done! What should I do? I tried hot water, cold water, oil, soap. What?


jussagir... said...

This happened to me once when I tried to wax your armpits. The only difference is that clings to a middle point of wax stuck in his arm.

For wax, I have a pair of scissors, GoBS Vaseline and lots of patience.

Good luck!

BJ L said...

I feel your pain. Soak in a hot bath rally ........ are as hot as you can. Try rubbing the area gently with a sponge or a sponge, while in very hot water. The wax will come one day. Good luck!

tropical... said...

That may sound weird, but I've heard from the ice does the trick! Im not sure if it would work for you / You could just wait a few days. But I am sure that the work of ice. Try it with baby wipes!

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